4 de septiembre de 2012

Pigargos · Sea Eagles

De mi viaje a Noruega traje apuntes y alguna foto y estoy haciendo estudios de plumaje de aves jóvenes. No encuentro mucha información sobre los plumajes de transición de joven a adulto. Durante los 4 a 5 años que tardan en alcanzar la madurez reproductora, el plumaje se va aclarando, la cola se torna blanca y el pico y el iris amarillo. El joven de primer año es muy oscuro y tiene el pico negro.

From my trip to Norway I brought sketches and some photos and I'm working out plumage studies of young birds. I can not find much information on the transition plumages from youth to adulthood. During the 4-5 years it takes to reach reproductive maturity, the plumage becomes lighter, tail turns to white and beak and eye yellow. The 1st summer young is very dark and has a black bill.

7 comentarios:

  1. Wonderful sketches! Always a pleasure to see bird art from Norway. Aging these birds is a real challenge, even for the most experienced. There is also a lot of individual variation.

  2. Thanks Öivind, glad to know that I'm not dull and also the experts have problems. We found a dead bird, a young one, probably in its first year, mostly blackish, with axilaries and undertail white. I'll post the photo.

  3. I am no White-tailed Eagle expert myself, but I could point you in the direction of one, if you're interested! Your sketches are so good that he would probably be able to age even those with some accuracy.

  4. Este es un bicho que encuentro dificilísimo de dibujar, y si encima no tenemos experiencia previa con el, la dificultad es doble. La segunda lámina me parece fantástica, el de la cabeza y el joven juntos, tiene una fuerza tremenda y un volumen perfecto. Un abrazo Juan

  5. Beautiful sketches! You really captured the essence I think of these eagles. What size are the paintings?

  6. Thanks Jeremy. The size is approx 11,7 x 16,5 inches. You can see more sketches in my Norwegian sketchbooks right in this blog.
