Esta acuarela está realizada sobre papel Arches de 300 g, 51 x 36 cm. Creo que correspondería a un ave de cerca de dos años, ya que los tonos de plumaje son más claros y en la cola comienzan aparecer una franja blanca. La cera del pico ya amarillea.
This is a watercolour on Arches paper, 300 grs, 20 x 14 in. This could be a young bird around two years old. The plumage is lighter and there's a whitish band in the tail. The bill is becoming yellow.
Lovely painting - I really envy you your subject matter! Large eagles are amongst my favorite raptors and I hope to be able to do some work on these birds when I'm next in Europe.
ResponderEliminarThanks Jeremy, I'd suggest you to visit Ole Martin in Norway. He'll put you right on the spot to watch Sea Eagles