25 de abril de 2014

Retoques · Retouching

A veces, una obra apartada de la vista durante meses muestra errores o posibilidades no considerados durante su ejecución. En este caso, falta de dinamismo, poca definición del primer plano o errores de volumen y luces. Ahora está un poco mejor.
Beachcombers. Óleo sobre lienzo 81 x 60 cm.

Versión original

4 comentarios:

  1. Fantastic Whimbrels but the rocks in the background certainly need a mention

  2. Thanks Paul. This painting really needed a second thought didn't it?

  3. What a beautiful scene, with a bird that is reaching our shores these days. Wonderful work, as always.

  4. Hi Øivind, many thanks, yes they are so elegant birds! We are saying so long to them now.
